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Salsa - Titanium Flip-Offs Skewer - Front

Salsa Titanium Flip-Offs Skewer - Front

10% Off
$32.40 Original price:$36.00
Changing the size selection, or changing the selected color after selecting a size, may change the associated price

Item #SLA000B




Tech Specs

5 x 100 mm
Recommended Use:
road cycling, cross-country
Manufacturer Warranty:
3 years

Titanium Flip-Offs Skewer

In the face of the overnight changes and elaborate overhauls that often characterize the world of cycling, it's reassuring to those of us more set in our ways to see a few small parts staying the same. The Salsa Titanium Flip-Offs Front Skewer is one such example. The Flip-Offs original CNC-machined design and light, durable titanium construction is as beyond reproach now as it was back in the '90's, and its bright, poppy colors continue to represent a functional and aesthetic upgrade to your road, 'cross, or commuter frame. Salsa continues to shape the lever so it's comfortable to hold in your hand and easy to tighten down for quick, easy adjustments.

  • Classic quick-release skewer for road or 'cross frame
  • Machined lever body is comfortable to hold onto
  • Lightweight and extremely durable titanium construction